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Whether it is B2B or B2C sales, online or physically in a store, electronic signatures are a real asset for improving customer experience. In fact, by offering a customer the ability to instantly sign a contract online, the contract stage becomes simpler and more modernised. 

In this article, we go over the importance of customer experience, we explain what impact electronic signatures have on it, and finally, we present examples of different customer experiences, employing electronic signatures.

What is customer experience, and why is it important?

Customer experience refers to all the emotions a customer feels before, during, and after purchasing a product or service in relation to the interactions they have had with the brand.

Customer experience is not just about a result—buying a product, and being satisfied with it—it is more about the journey. For example, when a customer requests a package over the Internet and it arrives 2 weeks late. If the claim is addressed by customer service and they offer a 20% discount code on the next purchase as compensation, then this experience will have a positive impact on the customer’s perception of the brand.

When there is strong competition in a world where consumers are increasingly connected and demanding, offering a satisfying and memorable customer experience is essential for:

  • retaining customers: a satisfied customer is more likely to remain loyal to the brand;
  • transforming customers into ambassadors: satisfied customers tend to talk about the brands they like with those around them and on their social networks;
  • improving the brand’s image, especially online, where negative reviews can spread quickly;
  • standing out against the competition: customer experience offers up a new arena, allowing some companies to stand out.

How do electronic signatures improve customer experience?

Electronic signatures allow you to easily, legally, and securely sign documents and contracts online. There are many benefits for a business, including improving customer experience when integrated into purchasing processes. In fact, electronic signatures allow for:

Simplifying the purchasing process

With electronic signatures, as soon as the customer decides on your product or service, he or she can sign the contract immediately, without any delays or waiting. 

Customer satisfaction improves dramatically, as they no longer need to travel to sign a document, return signed documents by mail, or print and scan a signed document by email. They can log in online, in seconds, from any device.

“Signaturit is a key part of our subscription process, as it allows us to offer our customers a totally digital experience by authenticating identification documents and signing electronically”

Iker de los Ríos, Director of Operations of Fintonic

Modernising the purchasing process 

By using electronic signature solutions, you can satisfy consumers’ digital expectations. In fact, consumers are now accustomed to the simplicity and immediacy of digital processes. 

With electronic signatures, you will not have to go through more time-consuming paper processes; everything is done online, in just a few minutes. This conveys a modern and innovative image of a company that cares about not wasting its customers’ time.

“Customers appreciate the convenience and speed of the signing process, and frankly, they don’t really realise that they are still providing a paper signature when they do their daily purchases digitally.”

José Morales, Responsable de TIC de Acciona Inmobiliaria

One of the company’s direct benefits from implementing an electronic signature solution is improving its conversion rates. As the contracting stage is easier, faster, and in line with consumer expectations, the risk of abandoning the transaction is minimized.

Examples of the purchasing process, integrating electronic signatures

1. Subscribing to an online service

Traditionally, online subscriptions involved sending out contracts to be signed by post (slow process) or by email (tedious process: printing, digitizing). 

Today, thanks to electronic signatures, customers can select any service online that interests them (electricity, internet, insurance, etc.) and sign their contract directly from the company’s website or application. This allows the company to offer a seamless, 100% digital purchasing journey.

2. Store sales 

Imagine, for example, signing a warranty extension contract at an appliance store. 

Traditionally, salespeople had to go to certain dedicated areas in the store, where computers and printers were installed, for the customer to sign the contract. It is an inflexible approach that already seems obsolete to us. 

Salespeople can now be equipped with an electronic signature solution, so that the customer can easily and quickly sign, wherever they may be. So, the sales staff is now more mobile in the store and, therefore, more available to customers. 

Also read: The retail sector’s digital transformation

3. B2B distance sales 

Once the negotiations are completed in a B2B distance sale, the seller can send the contract to the client using an electronic signature solution. 

The latter will receive a link to the document that can be signed by email or SMS, and will be able to sign it online. The client no longer needs to wait for it to be at his or her your desk or to have access to a printer. It can be signed at any time, whether working from home, commuting, or away on business.

Improve the health sector experience for patients. 

Although it is not a sales process, electronic signatures can also improve the health sector experience for patients. 

Healthcare centres and clinics can immediately improve their workflow and increase their productivity by avoiding losing documents.

With electronic signatures, patients need only read the consent document on a mobile device, tablet, or computer with all the information they need to know about the treatment they will receive, and sign directly on the screen, both parties instantly receiving a copy of the document.

For all the reasons stated above, now more than ever, it is necessary to take advantage of the improvements offered by new technologies for improving the quality of healthcare services; particularly, this procedure.

In conclusion, it is important to note that it is not enough to simply “add” an electronic signature module to your sales process. It is essential to rethink the entire customer journey and offer a “customer-centric” experience by optimizing the contracting stage, whether online, remotely, or in person.

Now you have all the keys in hand to grow your business remotely, if you want to know more about the electronic signature you can call us at +34 960 03 12 03 or write to [email protected].

And remember that trying Signaturit is free for 7 days. Sign up here.