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One of the main challenges within any company, and a task still pending in many HR departments, is establishing practices that favor the good use of time and resources in the entire organization. In order to do so, it’s key to know what is necessary to create an efficient environment and most importantly, to know how to transmit this knowledge to every department across the entire company.

In this post we propose 5 tips that will help HR departments to promote an efficient organization.

5 tips for Human Resources departments to drive effiency in the entire company

1. Redesign processes

To optimize them, while saving money and time. The redesigning process implies rethinking all workflows, deciding how they are interconnected, identifying where the blocks are, which people are involved, and which tools are used. The ultimate goal is to eliminate unnecessary steps and expenses to make the workflow more efficient.

2. Incorporate technology

Tools to manage talent and make day-to-day tasks more agile and simple. Talent management tools not only help to organize selection processes, but also to monitor the performance of teams and detect possible problems that prevent people from doing their work well.

3. Motivate team members

The most important aspect of any company are the people, since they generate value. Creating an environment that favors developing the team’s potential will impact the organization’s efficiency. For this reason, it’s essential to work on positive stimuli, such as congratulating professional achievements, communicating the trust that is placed in team members, enhancing positive feedback and providing financial rewards when it’s necessary.

4. Work smarter, not longer

Optimal time management at work is essential to create a company that excels in efficiency. It’s important to prioritize the most important tasks, those that should be completed with a greater urgency: while carrying out these tasks it’s necessary to focus, avoid distractions, and to avoid putting too much effort on irrelevant details if they’re not important. We recommend to create a good practices guide for time management s and try to establish these habits to help all members of the organization to reduce time spent on each task.

5. Communicate effectively

Communicating effectively contributes to reducing the time spent on looking for information and avoids relying too much on assumptions. To do so, we recommend increasing the communication between different members of a workteam and / or departments, in order to share information that is relevant for everyone. In this sense, it’s important to convey trust to all people that form part of an organization, so that they have no qualms in questioning or providing suggestions to their team leaders or managers. And most importantly: all relevant information must be communicated in a clear, concise and practical manner.

To conclude, these actions will not only have an impact on the efficient use of time and resources in the company, but also on the commitment from employees, who will feel more satisfied realizing that it’s possible to do a good job in less time, and additionally avoiding the stress generated by the frustration of missing deadlines for certain goals.